Sunday, August 11, 2013

My 15 minutes of fame

So as I climbed up the stairway to heaven to get out of my school campus, a bus passes me by, stops, then backs up. The driver then yells, "Hey! I recognize you!" I didn't think much of it since I figured it was one of the 100s of Nivans who recognize me but I don't remember them. He said "hey, you're a volunteer, right? Yeah, you're from Hawaii, your father is from India," blah blah... Apparently they broadcasted the pictures of all the volunteers on Efate as well as our backgrounds on local TV.

Welp there goes the last of what little anonymity I had left in this country lol

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

English < Bislama

The longer I speak Bislama exclusively, the harder it is to formulate sentences when speaking English. It's fine when I'm writing/typing, since I can spend 10 minutes trying to figure out how to say a single word, but the spontaneity of speech makes it really hard to think of the right thing to say and not sound like a dufus. It's like my brain keeps sputtering and overheating.

I so need a vacation.